Wednesday, January 16, 2008

After-Class Survey

If you don't mind, I would like to get some feedback on the course. There are 2 quick survey questions on the right. If you would like to write free-form comments, you can do so here by clicking on "Comment" at the bottom of this blog post. You can give anonymous feeedback if you want (just make sure you're not logged on to google). Please be brutally honest... Your comments will help make the course better. Some questions I would welcome feedback on are:
  • Given the duration of the class, do you think the information covered in the class was the right amount, or were you expecting more or less?
  • Did you find the exercises helpful?
  • What did you think about the time allowed for each exercise? Not enough time, too much time, just about right.
  • Which teaching format did you prefer, or did it matter? Blain teaching live Friday but using notes? Or Dick Towner teaching on video Saturday?
  • How effective were the videos used BETWEEN the sessions (the guy and his wife who had the home equity loan and was getting calls from creditors, later wanted to buy the Escalade with another loan, Saturday Night Live video - Don't buy stuff you can't afford, etc.)? Too cheezy? or Made you think?
  • How effective were the videos used DURING the sessions (The Offering, Debtor on the Street, Pearl of Great Price, etc)? Too cheezy? or Made you think?
  • What can we do better to deliver the class next time?
  • Would you be interested in further training on more detailed financial topics? Which ones?


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Getting Close!

Folks... I can't tell you how excited I am about the upcoming Good $ense class. There has been an overwhelming surge of signups in the last week (after the "deadline" haha)... Fortunately, the supplier of the work books has a new shipment on the way, and we should have enough books for everyone, provided married or engaged couples share books.

Any additional signups after 3pm Wednesday 1/9 will be on stand-by. Registration begins this Friday at 6:30PM in the Vintage21 lobby. That's when you can pickup your course materials. Please arrive no later than 6:55 PM, as I will start promptly at 7:00 PM. I will hold work books for pre-registered students until 7:15. At that time I will give them to any stand-bys on a first come first serve basis.

Be sure to:
  • Read the "What to bring" section in the right sidebar
  • Take the 3 surveys if you have not done so already (right sidebar)
  • Complete your pre-work (explained below)
If you are bringing a laptop, please find a table in the room that is closer to a power strip. Also, there is a link below to download the spending plan for Excel.

If you need to call me for any reason, my mobile number is 919-602-2412, but I will have my phone turned off starting at 7pm.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Course Prework

Only 2 more weeks before the Good $ense Budget Course starts!! Hopefully you are all looking forward to the course. I know I am. As mentioned in the course info, there is some prework that course attendees should do before coming to the class. It is found in the workbooks which you can pickup in the Vintage21 lobby on Sunday, January 6. Or, better yet, download the prework here and you can get a jumpstart! Instructions are in the document itself, and you should probably allow 1-2 hours to complete the work. Doing the prework will get you some of the base information that will be critical in the course. Don't worry - You will not have to turn this in or share with anyone else. Couples should work together on the prework, except that you will want to separately complete a Money Motivation Quiz (pg 13-14).

Within the prework, on page 11, you are asked to complete a rough guess at "What I Spend". This data will be used in the course as we refine your budget (aka "spending plan"). If you have Microsoft Excel, there is an XLS version of that spreadsheet, which you may prefer to use instead of writing on the form and manually adding the numbers. Either method is OK.

Please contact Blain if you have any questions.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Good $ense Course Overview

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:21

Jesus taught that how we use our money is an indication of our values and priorities. For many of us, organizing our finances according to Biblical Financial Principles can be hindered by the pull of our materialistic culture, a lack of knowledge about wise financial practices, and the need for effective tools to implement them.

Would you like to discover the peace and contentment that comes from managing your financial resources according to God’s purposes and principles?

The Good $ense Budget Course is designed to help you do just that. In this hands-on course, you’ll learn how to honor God in your finances by becoming a…
  • Diligent Earner
  • Generous Giver
  • Wise Saver
  • Cautious Debtor
  • Prudent Consumer

You will learn what the Bible says about finances and how to combat cultural myths such as, “Debt is expected and unavoidable,” “Things bring happiness,” and “A little more money will solve all your problems.”

During the course, you will develop a Spending Plan for the coming year. You will learn about and choose between three different record-keeping systems to help you stick to your plan. Most importantly, you will discover how being financially faithful can help you become financially free!

  • You will leave the course with a Spending Plan in your hand….
  • The knowledge in your head to implement it….
  • And the motivation in your heart to follow through with it!

Pre-Work materials will need to be completed prior to attending the course which will be given to you when you register. Spending an hour or two completing the pre-work will ensure you get the most benefit from the course. These materials are confidential and you will not be asked to share them with others.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Original Announcement

Good Sense Budget Course: Jesus taught that how we use our money is an indication of where our heart lies. For many of us, organizing our finances according to Biblical financial principles can be hindered by the pull of our materialistic culture, a lack of knowledge about wise financial practices, and the need for effective tools to implement them. To help us grow in our worship of God and stewardship of what He's given us, Vintage21 will be hosting a financial management class called "The Good $ense Budget Course" on Friday, Jan 11 (7-9pm) and Saturday Jan 12 (9am - 3pm). Lunch will be provided on Saturday. To sign up for the course or ask questions, email Blain Dillard ( Registration is due by Sunday, December 30, in order for the right materials to be ordered.